Sonntag, 1. September 2024

Women in Black Online Conference August-September 2024

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Women in Black Online Conference August-September 2024

All Women in Black are invited to an online WiB international conference, held over two weekends. Workshop sessions take place on 31 August, 1st and 2nd of September (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) and then on 6th, 7th, 8th September (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). 

Workshops will be presented by Women in Black and friends from across the world-wide network. To register, please contact

Infos über: 

Please check below for workshop times in your region of the world.

TIME: 12-6pm in UK (2-8pm in Palestine and Israel; 6am-12pm in Colombia; 7am-1pm on East Coast and 12am-6am West Coast USA); 1-7pm in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Spain, S. Africa; 3-9pm in Armenia; 3.30-9.30pm in Afghanistan; 4.30-10.30pm in India – but please check!).

Opening (1) and Session 2 

WELCOME from WiB Conference organisers followed by PALESTINIAN WOMEN SPEAK OUT (2.5 hours combined) 

Saturday  31.8. 24

London time 12 noon-2.30 pm [GMT/UTC  11.00 – 13.30 combined]

Spanish and possibly Italian interpretation for opening


Session 2 (follows directly without break)

The war on Gaza and Palestine:  Palestinian Women Speak Out  (90 minute session)

 Arabic and possibly Spanish and Italian interpretation

 Saturday 31.8. 24 London time 1 pm to 2.30 pm  [GMT/UTC  12.00 – 13.30]



Session 3:   African women’s heritage of peace

Spanish interpretation

Saturday 31.8.24 London time: 3-4.30 pm  [GMT/UTC 14.00 – 15.30]


DAY 2: SUNDAY 1/9/24 Titles and Times


Session 4 Feminists building peace

 Spanish Interpretation

Sunday 1/9/24 London Time 12.00 – 1.30 pm[GMT/UTC 11.00 – 12.30]


Session 5: Open space for WiBs to share feelings about today’s wars, feminist ideas and ways to move forward.

 Spanish interpretation

 Sunday 1.9.24 London time 2-3.30 pm [GMT/UTC 13.00-14.30]


Session 6 Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan

Spanish interpretation, possibly Italian

Sunday 1.9.24  London time 4-5.30 pm [GMT/UTC 15.00-16.30]


DAY 3: MONDAY 2/9/24

Titles and Times


Session 7

Planet Earth, Our Fragile Home: Preventing nuclear war and climate ecocide

Spanish interpretation

Monday 2.9.24 London time 12-1.30 pm [GMT/UTC 11.00 – 12.30]


Session 8  East African Women Speak on Challenges to Security, Safety and Peace of Women and Girls

Spanish interpretation

 Monday 2.9.24, London time   2.00-3.30 pm [GMT/UTC 13.00 – 14.30]



Session 9 Role of NATO/OTAN

Spanish interpretation

 Monday 2.9.24   London time: 4-5.30 pm [GMT/UTC: 15.00 – 16.30]

WEEK 2   DAY 4:

FRIDAY 6/9/24  Titles and Times


Session 10 Open Space – for WiB groups to share updates

Spanish and Italian interpretation

Friday  6.9.24 London time 12-1.30pm GMT/UTC: 11.00 – 12.30



Session 11 Militarism robs resources from social policy – case study Finland

Friday  6.9.24 London time 2-3.30 pm[GMT/UTC: 13.00 – 14.30]


Session 12: International Lesbian Solidarity in Action

Spanish interpretation

 Friday 6.9.24 London time 4-5.30 pm [GMT/UTC 15.00 – 16.30]


DAY 5: 7/9/24  SATURDAY

Titles and Times


Session13: International Courts of Women Against Wars, For Peace

Spanish interpretation

Saturday 7.9.24 London time 12-1.30pm [GMT/UTC 11.00-12.30]



Session 14: WiB activism to stop the war on Gaza

Spanish interpretation

Saturday 7.9.24 London time  2-3.30 pm[GMT/UTC: 13.00 – 14.30]


Session 15: Is Western pacifism colonialist?

Spanish interpretation

 Saturday 7.9.24 London time:  4 – 5.30pmGMT/UTC:  15.00 – 16.30


DAY 6: SUNDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER Titles & times

Session 16:  WiB Website

Spanish interpretation

Sunday  8.9.24 London time 12-1.30pmGMT/UTC:  11.00 – 12.30


Session 17 Colombia – women’s role in the peace process and the Women in Black conference in Colombia next year

Spanish and Italian interpretation

Sunday 8.9.24 London time:  2-3.30 pm   GMT/UTC 13.00 – 12.30


CLOSING PLENARY:  Women moving forward together for peace and justice

Spanish interpretation, possibly Italian

Sunday  8.9.24 London time:  3.30 - 5.00 pm [GMT/UTC:  14.30 – 16.00]